Looking For My Fit
It might seem like everyone around you has it altogether, but trust me, they don’t! And that’s okay! We’re talking about love, marriage, parenthood, and all things in between as we look for our fit in this world! Let’s navigate this thing together!
Looking For My Fit
78. New Year, New Chapter!
Jemekka Richardson
It has been 4 months since the last episode, but I'm so happy to share that the podcast is baaaaack! The last few months have been been filled with changes, including a change in perspective. I'm talking about it today, and I'm not alone! My oldest daughter Jordan is joining me on this episode as we talk about the changes we've experienced and the impact those changes have had on us. Let's get into it!
Let's connect!
Follow me on social media! Check me out at www.sociatap.com/mekrich
Questions? Email jemekka@lookingformyfit.org