Looking For My Fit

84. Learning to Lean In

Jemekka Richardson

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Ever watched a toddler throw a tantrum? They're usually crying and screaming, while laying on the floor spinning in circles hoping that someone will finally give them what they want. If you're patient, they normally wear themselves out, take a nap, and wake up feeling much better and ready to move on.

That was me for two years. I was a toddler for most of 2022 & 2023. God was patient, and when 2024 rolled around, I was finally worn down enough to take a nap! 

2024 is the year that I learned to lean in. Let's catch up! I'm sharing what I learned and how I plan to move forward. We're back y'all!

Follow me on social media! Check me out at www.sociatap.com/mekrich

Questions? Email: lookingformyfit@gmail.com